GOG GALAXY SDK Documentation
This is the complete list of members for IMatchmaking, including all inherited members.
AddRequestLobbyListNearValueFilter(const char *keyToMatch, int32_t valueToBeCloseTo)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
AddRequestLobbyListNumericalFilter(const char *keyToMatch, int32_t valueToMatch, LobbyComparisonType comparisonType)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
AddRequestLobbyListResultCountFilter(uint32_t limit)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
AddRequestLobbyListStringFilter(const char *keyToMatch, const char *valueToMatch, LobbyComparisonType comparisonType)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
CreateLobby(LobbyType lobbyType, uint32_t maxMembers, bool joinable, LobbyTopologyType lobbyTopologyType, ILobbyCreatedListener *const lobbyCreatedListener=NULL, ILobbyEnteredListener *const lobbyEnteredListener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
DeleteLobbyData(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key, ILobbyDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
DeleteLobbyMemberData(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key, ILobbyMemberDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyByIndex(uint32_t index)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyData(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyDataByIndex(GalaxyID lobbyID, uint32_t index, char *key, uint32_t keyLength, char *value, uint32_t valueLength)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyDataCopy(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key, char *buffer, uint32_t bufferLength)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyDataCount(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMemberByIndex(GalaxyID lobbyID, uint32_t index)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMemberData(GalaxyID lobbyID, GalaxyID memberID, const char *key)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMemberDataByIndex(GalaxyID lobbyID, GalaxyID memberID, uint32_t index, char *key, uint32_t keyLength, char *value, uint32_t valueLength)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMemberDataCopy(GalaxyID lobbyID, GalaxyID memberID, const char *key, char *buffer, uint32_t bufferLength)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMemberDataCount(GalaxyID lobbyID, GalaxyID memberID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyMessage(GalaxyID lobbyID, uint32_t messageID, GalaxyID &senderID, char *msg, uint32_t msgLength)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyOwner(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetLobbyType(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetMaxNumLobbyMembers(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
GetNumLobbyMembers(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
IsLobbyJoinable(GalaxyID lobbyID)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
JoinLobby(GalaxyID lobbyID, ILobbyEnteredListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
LeaveLobby(GalaxyID lobbyID, ILobbyLeftListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
RequestLobbyData(GalaxyID lobbyID, ILobbyDataRetrieveListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
RequestLobbyList(bool allowFullLobbies=false, ILobbyListListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SendLobbyMessage(GalaxyID lobbyID, const void *data, uint32_t dataSize)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SetLobbyData(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key, const char *value, ILobbyDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SetLobbyJoinable(GalaxyID lobbyID, bool joinable, ILobbyDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SetLobbyMemberData(GalaxyID lobbyID, const char *key, const char *value, ILobbyMemberDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SetLobbyType(GalaxyID lobbyID, LobbyType lobbyType, ILobbyDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
SetMaxNumLobbyMembers(GalaxyID lobbyID, uint32_t maxNumLobbyMembers, ILobbyDataUpdateListener *const listener=NULL)=0 | IMatchmaking | pure virtual |
~IMatchmaking() (defined in IMatchmaking) | IMatchmaking | inlinevirtual |