GOG GALAXY SDK Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CIErrorBase interface for exceptions
 CIUnauthorizedAccessErrorThe exception thrown when calling Galaxy interfaces while the user is not signed in and thus not authorized for any interaction
 CIInvalidArgumentErrorThe exception thrown to report that a method was called with an invalid argument
 CIInvalidStateErrorThe exception thrown to report that a method was called while the callee is in an invalid state, i.e
 CIRuntimeErrorThe exception thrown to report errors that can only be detected during runtime
 CGalaxyAllocatorCustom memory allocator for GOG Galaxy SDK
 CGalaxyIDRepresents the ID of an entity used by Galaxy Peer
 CIGalaxyThreadThe interface representing a thread object
 CIGalaxyThreadFactoryCustom thread spawner for the Galaxy SDK
 CIIsDlcOwnedListenerListener for the result of IsDLCOwned method
 CIAppsThe interface for managing application activities
 CIChatRoomWithUserRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving a chat room with a specified user
 CIChatRoomMessageSendListenerListener for the event of sending a chat room message
 CIChatRoomMessagesListenerListener for the event of receiving chat room messages
 CIChatRoomMessagesRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving chat room messages in a specified chat room
 CIChatThe interface for chat communication with other Galaxy Users
 CICloudStorageGetFileListListenerListener for the event of downloading a list of files stored in cloud storage
 CICloudStorageGetFileListenerListener for the event of downloading a file stored in cloud storage
 CICloudStoragePutFileListenerListener for the event of uploading a local file to the cloud storage
 CICloudStorageDeleteFileListenerListener for the event of deleting a file stored in cloud storage
 CICloudStorageThe interface for cross-platform CloudStorage file management
 CIConnectionOpenListenerListener for the events related to opening a connection
 CIConnectionCloseListenerListener for the event of closing a connection
 CIConnectionDataListenerListener for the event of receiving data over the connection
 CICustomNetworkingThe interface for communicating with a custom endpoint
 CIPersonaDataChangedListenerListener for the event of changing persona data
 CIUserInformationRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested user's information
 CIFriendListListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested list of friends
 CIFriendInvitationSendListenerListener for the event of sending a friend invitation
 CIFriendInvitationListRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested list of incoming friend invitations
 CISentFriendInvitationListRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested list of outgoing friend invitations
 CIFriendInvitationListenerListener for the event of receiving a friend invitation
 CIFriendInvitationRespondToListenerListener for the event of responding to a friend invitation
 CIFriendAddListenerListener for the event of a user being added to the friend list
 CIFriendDeleteListenerListener for the event of removing a user from the friend list
 CIRichPresenceChangeListenerListener for the event of rich presence modification
 CIRichPresenceListenerListener for the event of any user rich presence update
 CIRichPresenceRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested user's rich presence
 CIGameJoinRequestedListenerEvent of requesting a game join by user
 CIGameInvitationReceivedListenerEvent of receiving a game invitation
 CISendInvitationListenerListener for the event of sending an invitation without using the overlay
 CIUserFindListenerListener for the event of searching a user
 CIFriendsThe interface for managing social info and activities
 CIGalaxyListenerThe interface that is implemented by all specific callback listeners
 CGalaxyTypeAwareListenerThe class that is inherited by all specific callback listeners and provides a static method that returns the type of the specific listener
 CIListenerRegistrarThe class that enables and disables global registration of the instances of specific listeners
 CSelfRegisteringListenerThe class that is inherited by the self-registering versions of all specific callback listeners
 CILoggerThe interface for logging
 CILobbyListListenerListener for the event of receiving a list of lobbies
 CILobbyCreatedListenerListener for the event of creating a lobby
 CILobbyEnteredListenerListener for the event of entering a lobby
 CILobbyLeftListenerListener for the event of leaving a lobby
 CILobbyDataListenerListener for the event of receiving an updated version of lobby data
 CILobbyDataUpdateListenerListener for the event of updating lobby data
 CILobbyMemberDataUpdateListenerListener for the event of updating lobby member data
 CILobbyDataRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving lobby data
 CILobbyMemberStateListenerListener for the event of a change of the state of a lobby member
 CILobbyOwnerChangeListenerListener for the event of changing the owner of a lobby
 CILobbyMessageListenerListener for the event of receiving a lobby message
 CIMatchmakingThe interface for managing game lobbies
 CINetworkingListenerListener for the events related to packets that come to the client
 CINatTypeDetectionListenerListener for the events related to NAT type detection
 CINetworkingThe interface for communicating with other Galaxy Peers
 CInitOptionsThe group of options used for Init configuration
 CIUserStatsAndAchievementsRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving statistics and achievements of a specified user, possibly our own
 CIStatsAndAchievementsStoreListenerListener for the event of storing own statistics and achievements
 CIAchievementChangeListenerListener for the event of changing an achievement
 CILeaderboardsRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving definitions of leaderboards
 CILeaderboardEntriesRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving requested entries of a leaderboard
 CILeaderboardScoreUpdateListenerListener for the event of updating score in a leaderboard
 CILeaderboardRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving definition of a leaderboard
 CIUserTimePlayedRetrieveListenerListener for the event of retrieving user time played
 CIStatsThe interface for managing statistics, achievements and leaderboards
 CIFileShareListenerListener for the event of sharing a file
 CISharedFileDownloadListenerListener for the event of downloading a shared file
 CIStorageThe interface for managing of cloud storage files
 CITelemetryEventSendListenerListener for the event of sending a telemetry event
 CITelemetryThe interface for handling telemetry
 CIAuthListenerListener for the events related to user authentication
 CIOtherSessionStartListenerListener for the events related to starting of other sessions
 CIOperationalStateChangeListenerListener for the event of a change of the operational state
 CIUserDataListenerListener for the events related to user data changes of current user only
 CISpecificUserDataListenerListener for the events related to user data changes
 CIEncryptedAppTicketListenerListener for the event of retrieving a requested Encrypted App Ticket
 CIAccessTokenListenerListener for the event of a change of current access token
 CIPlayFabCreateOpenIDConnectionListenerListener for the event of creating an OpenID connection
 CIPlayFabLoginWithOpenIDConnectListenerListener for the event of logging with an OpenID Connect
 CIUserThe interface for handling the user account
 CIOverlayVisibilityChangeListenerListener for the event of changing overlay visibility
 CIOverlayInitializationStateChangeListenerListener for the event of changing overlay state
 CINotificationListenerListener for the event of receiving a notification
 CIGogServicesConnectionStateListenerListener for the event of GOG services connection change
 CIUtilsThe interface for managing images
 CShutdownOptionsThe group of options used for Shutdown options