GOG GALAXY SDK Documentation
▼Ngalaxy | |
▼Napi | |
CIError | Base interface for exceptions |
CIUnauthorizedAccessError | The exception thrown when calling Galaxy interfaces while the user is not signed in and thus not authorized for any interaction |
CIInvalidArgumentError | The exception thrown to report that a method was called with an invalid argument |
CIInvalidStateError | The exception thrown to report that a method was called while the callee is in an invalid state, i.e |
CIRuntimeError | The exception thrown to report errors that can only be detected during runtime |
CGalaxyAllocator | Custom memory allocator for GOG Galaxy SDK |
CGalaxyID | Represents the ID of an entity used by Galaxy Peer |
CIGalaxyThread | The interface representing a thread object |
CIGalaxyThreadFactory | Custom thread spawner for the Galaxy SDK |
CIIsDlcOwnedListener | Listener for the result of IsDLCOwned method |
CIApps | The interface for managing application activities |
CIChatRoomWithUserRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving a chat room with a specified user |
CIChatRoomMessageSendListener | Listener for the event of sending a chat room message |
CIChatRoomMessagesListener | Listener for the event of receiving chat room messages |
CIChatRoomMessagesRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving chat room messages in a specified chat room |
CIChat | The interface for chat communication with other Galaxy Users |
CICloudStorageGetFileListListener | Listener for the event of downloading a list of files stored in cloud storage |
CICloudStorageGetFileListener | Listener for the event of downloading a file stored in cloud storage |
CICloudStoragePutFileListener | Listener for the event of uploading a local file to the cloud storage |
CICloudStorageDeleteFileListener | Listener for the event of deleting a file stored in cloud storage |
CICloudStorage | The interface for cross-platform CloudStorage file management |
CIConnectionOpenListener | Listener for the events related to opening a connection |
CIConnectionCloseListener | Listener for the event of closing a connection |
CIConnectionDataListener | Listener for the event of receiving data over the connection |
CICustomNetworking | The interface for communicating with a custom endpoint |
CIPersonaDataChangedListener | Listener for the event of changing persona data |
CIUserInformationRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested user's information |
CIFriendListListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested list of friends |
CIFriendInvitationSendListener | Listener for the event of sending a friend invitation |
CIFriendInvitationListRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested list of incoming friend invitations |
CISentFriendInvitationListRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested list of outgoing friend invitations |
CIFriendInvitationListener | Listener for the event of receiving a friend invitation |
CIFriendInvitationRespondToListener | Listener for the event of responding to a friend invitation |
CIFriendAddListener | Listener for the event of a user being added to the friend list |
CIFriendDeleteListener | Listener for the event of removing a user from the friend list |
CIRichPresenceChangeListener | Listener for the event of rich presence modification |
CIRichPresenceListener | Listener for the event of any user rich presence update |
CIRichPresenceRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested user's rich presence |
CIGameJoinRequestedListener | Event of requesting a game join by user |
CIGameInvitationReceivedListener | Event of receiving a game invitation |
CISendInvitationListener | Listener for the event of sending an invitation without using the overlay |
CIUserFindListener | Listener for the event of searching a user |
CIFriends | The interface for managing social info and activities |
CIGalaxyListener | The interface that is implemented by all specific callback listeners |
CGalaxyTypeAwareListener | The class that is inherited by all specific callback listeners and provides a static method that returns the type of the specific listener |
CIListenerRegistrar | The class that enables and disables global registration of the instances of specific listeners |
CSelfRegisteringListener | The class that is inherited by the self-registering versions of all specific callback listeners |
CILogger | The interface for logging |
CILobbyListListener | Listener for the event of receiving a list of lobbies |
CILobbyCreatedListener | Listener for the event of creating a lobby |
CILobbyEnteredListener | Listener for the event of entering a lobby |
CILobbyLeftListener | Listener for the event of leaving a lobby |
CILobbyDataListener | Listener for the event of receiving an updated version of lobby data |
CILobbyDataUpdateListener | Listener for the event of updating lobby data |
CILobbyMemberDataUpdateListener | Listener for the event of updating lobby member data |
CILobbyDataRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving lobby data |
CILobbyMemberStateListener | Listener for the event of a change of the state of a lobby member |
CILobbyOwnerChangeListener | Listener for the event of changing the owner of a lobby |
CILobbyMessageListener | Listener for the event of receiving a lobby message |
CIMatchmaking | The interface for managing game lobbies |
CINetworkingListener | Listener for the events related to packets that come to the client |
CINatTypeDetectionListener | Listener for the events related to NAT type detection |
CINetworking | The interface for communicating with other Galaxy Peers |
CInitOptions | The group of options used for Init configuration |
CIUserStatsAndAchievementsRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving statistics and achievements of a specified user, possibly our own |
CIStatsAndAchievementsStoreListener | Listener for the event of storing own statistics and achievements |
CIAchievementChangeListener | Listener for the event of changing an achievement |
CILeaderboardsRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving definitions of leaderboards |
CILeaderboardEntriesRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving requested entries of a leaderboard |
CILeaderboardScoreUpdateListener | Listener for the event of updating score in a leaderboard |
CILeaderboardRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving definition of a leaderboard |
CIUserTimePlayedRetrieveListener | Listener for the event of retrieving user time played |
CIStats | The interface for managing statistics, achievements and leaderboards |
CIFileShareListener | Listener for the event of sharing a file |
CISharedFileDownloadListener | Listener for the event of downloading a shared file |
CIStorage | The interface for managing of cloud storage files |
CITelemetryEventSendListener | Listener for the event of sending a telemetry event |
CITelemetry | The interface for handling telemetry |
CIAuthListener | Listener for the events related to user authentication |
CIOtherSessionStartListener | Listener for the events related to starting of other sessions |
CIOperationalStateChangeListener | Listener for the event of a change of the operational state |
CIUserDataListener | Listener for the events related to user data changes of current user only |
CISpecificUserDataListener | Listener for the events related to user data changes |
CIEncryptedAppTicketListener | Listener for the event of retrieving a requested Encrypted App Ticket |
CIAccessTokenListener | Listener for the event of a change of current access token |
CIPlayFabCreateOpenIDConnectionListener | Listener for the event of creating an OpenID connection |
CIPlayFabLoginWithOpenIDConnectListener | Listener for the event of logging with an OpenID Connect |
CIUser | The interface for handling the user account |
CIOverlayVisibilityChangeListener | Listener for the event of changing overlay visibility |
CIOverlayInitializationStateChangeListener | Listener for the event of changing overlay state |
CINotificationListener | Listener for the event of receiving a notification |
CIGogServicesConnectionStateListener | Listener for the event of GOG services connection change |
CIUtils | The interface for managing images |
CShutdownOptions | The group of options used for Shutdown options |