Essentials Checklist¶
Please send the following via our Assets Manager. Elements in italics are optional.
Game Setup¶
☐ Planned DLCs, bundles, season pass, editions and their exact titles
☐ Developer / Publisher name
☐ Planned release date and time (or an approximation)
Creating the Store Page¶
☐ Graphics assets prepared using our Templates or Asset Rendering Tool
☐ Key art & logo in high resolution (min. 1920 x 1080), layered .psd file
☐ Store description (we support EN, DE, FR, CN, PL & RU)
☐ System requirements
☐ Languages supported
☐ Screenshots
☐ Trailer (including logo on the end slate)
☐ Genres & Tags
☐ Legal lines
☐ Age ratings (USK, ESRB, PEGI, CLASSIND) except for those provided through IARC
☐ Countries the game should be banned in (if any)
Preparing the Build¶
☐ Please deliver (Build Delivery) DRM-free Release Candidate for all supported OSs (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and (optional) with our Galaxy SDK implemented (for achievements, Leaderboards, Galaxy Multiplayer etc.). For best and fastest results please consult Quality Assurance article
☐ If achievements are to be implemented: Please provide a short guide on how to unlock the easiest/fastest achievements in game and if it's not possible within the first 15-20 minutes of playing, a save file from the moment in game just before unlocking a certain achievement
☐ If Cloud Saves are to be added: Please provide actual cloud saves path (cloud saves will be added if quota doesn’t exceed 200 MB and saves are stored in separate subfolder - no support for loose files or registry entries)
Please do not unpublish (or delete) any previous builds in DevPortal - it helps us keep track of the changes and may prove useful in case we need to use our rollback feature.
Launching the Sales¶
☐ Complete price list
☐ Soundtrack, artbook and other files when applicable
☐ Launch discount
After the Launch¶
Please include our logo with relevant links on your game's official website and don't forget to mention GOG channels on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram during your social media campaigns. There’s even a widget you can use! If you encounter any problems or have specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Please refer to the Post-Release Handout article available in the Developer Portal for all necessary contact information.