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Importing Achievements Using the Steam VDF File

To generate the file containing achievement information, including localized data, please do the following:

  1. Go to

  2. Log in to the system.

  3. Go to Apps & Packages→All Applications.

    Steam VDF File 1

  4. Select the Steamworks Admin option for your game.

  5. Go to Misc→View Raw Settings option.

    Steam VDF File 2

  6. In the Raw Configuration Data section, you’ll see an option to Choose app info section: select Stats from the drop-down menu.

    Steam VDF File 3

  7. Copy all the presented information to a text editing program, such as Notepad or Notepad++, and save the data as a .txt file.


    Make sure to encode your .txt or .vdf as UTF-8 when saving; this ensures special characters, and characters not featured in the English language are correctly saved and imported.

  8. With the .txt file ready, log in to the GOG Developer Portal and click Games in the main menu.

  9. On the resulting Games screen, click the Galaxy Features button for the game you want to import Steam achievements to, then select Achievements from the displayed menu. The Achievements screen will appear.

  10. Follow the steps outlined in Adding Achievements Imported From Steam to import the data from the .txt file to the Developer Portal.

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