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Galaxy Manager


GalaxyManager is a central class managing all of the GOG GALAXY features. It inherits from the MonoBehaviour superclass. It should be initialized at the very start of the game and present for the entire duration of the game session. When the application is closed, GalaxyManager should make sure that all listeners are closed and GalaxyInstance is shut down.

Class Initialization

To ensure that all requirements listed in the previous section are met, we take advantage of the MonoBehaviour Event Functions execution order.

First, we create a GameObject called GalaxyManager in Unity Editor, in the first game scene. Then we add a GalaxyManager script component to that GameObject.

When the GameObject is created, the Awake() Event function is called. We use the Awake() method to:

  • add DontDestroyOnLoad() flag to the GameObject this script is attached to,
  • create Instance, which is a static reference to GalaxyManager class, for easier access from outside of the class,
  • make sure that there is only one instance of GalaxyManager running at all times: the Instance is only assigned if its current value is null; if the Instance is already assigned, we destroy the extra instance of GalaxyManager.
   void Awake()
       if (Instance == null)
           Instance = this;

We take this approach (creating a static reference to a class that inherits from MonoBehaviour), because a static class cannot inherit from other classes, but we want GalaxyManager to inherit from MonoBehaviour and still have an easy access to the class.

Galaxy Peer Initialization

When the GalaxyManager GameObject is enabled, theInit() method is called to initialize the Galaxy Peer. Init argument, initParams, requires Product credentials: clientID and clientSecret.


Even if Init() returns an error, the Galaxy Peer will still be initialized, but only the Apps interface will be accessible. The only situation, in which Init() will fail and none of the GOG GALAXY SDK interfaces will be available is when Galaxy.dll is not present in the working directory of the game.

If Init() succeeds, we initialize AuthListener using the ListenersInit() method and finally sign in the current user to GOG GALAXY backends using the SignInGalaxy() method.

   void OnEnable()

The response to SignInGalaxy() comes to AuthListener. If the user was signed in successfully, we can continue initializing the remaining GOG GALAXY features in the AuthListener.OnAuthSuccess() callback.

There, with the StartStatsAndAchievements() and the StartFriends() methods, we initialize helper objects allowing us to access these GOG GALAXY SDK interfaces using appropriate methods.

We also assign the current user’s GalaxyID to the myGalaxyID variable for easier access. Then, in case the user is online (IsLoggedOn is true), the StartLeaderboards() and StartInvitations() methods are initialized as well (Leaderboards and Invitations can’t be started when a user is offline).


The StartStorage() method is also initialized, but we don’t use Storage in our game. It’s here for demo purposes only, as a “proof of concept”.

Lastly, two fallbacks are defined: when user authentication failed and when the user suddenly signs off from the Galaxy service.

    public class AuthenticationListener : GlobalAuthListener
        public override void OnAuthSuccess()
            Debug.Log("Successfully signed in");

            myGalaxyID = GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID();


            if (GalaxyManager.Instance.IsLoggedOn())


        public override void OnAuthFailure(FailureReason failureReason)
            Debug.LogWarning("Failed to sign in for reason " + failureReason);
            if (GameObject.Find("MainMenu")!= null) GameObject.Find("MainMenu").GetComponent<MainMenuController>().GalaxyCheck();

        public override void OnAuthLost()
            Debug.LogWarning("Authorization lost");
            if (GameObject.Find("MainMenu") != null) GameObject.Find("MainMenu").GetComponent<MainMenuController>().GalaxyCheck();


Processing Data

Using the Update() method, we make sure that GalaxyManager processes data on every frame by calling ProcessData(). Without it, the listeners won’t work, and neither will any asynchronous functions.

   void Update()
       /* Makes the GalaxyPeer process data.
       NOTE: This is required for any listener to work, and has little overhead. */

GalaxyManager and GalaxyPeer Termination

Once again we take advantage of the MonoBehaviour Event Functions. Here, we use two of them, called one after another: OnDisable() and OnApplicationQuit().

OnDisable() makes sure that all GOG GALAXY features and listeners are properly closed by calling ListenersDispose() and ShutdownAllFeatureClasses().

OnApplicationQuit() calls GalaxyInstance.Shutdown() and then destroys the instance of GalaxyManager. It should be the last method called, since the listeners should be disposed of beforehand.

GalaxyInstance.Shutdown() is necessary to close the GalaxyPeer instance and should always be called when closing the game.

    void OnDisable()

    void OnApplicationQuit()
        /* Shuts down the working instance of GalaxyPeer.
        NOTE: Shutdown should be the last method called, and all listeners should be closed before that. */
        Instance = null;


Keep in mind that the GalaxyInstance.Shutdown() method requires the unloadModule parameter. It is important only in the PS4 implementation (it indicates whether the internal sceKernelStopUnloadModule() for prx file will be called), so on other platforms the best practice is to set it to true.

GOG GALAXY Features Initialization

All scripts containing GOG GALAXY feature classes (StatsAndAchievements, Leaderboards, Friends, Matchmaking, Networking, Invitations and Storage) are added as components to the GalaxyManager GameObject. Not all GalaxyManager feature classes are enabled along with the GalaxyManager, since not all of them are necessary.

Every GOG GALAXY feature class initializes its own listeners when it is enabled and disposes of them when it is disabled. You can see this in the example below, using the StatsAndAchievements class:

    private void ListenersInit()
        Listener.Create(ref achievementRetrieveListener);
        Listener.Create(ref achievementChangeListener);
        Listener.Create(ref achievementStoreListener);

    private void ListenersDispose()
        Listener.Dispose(ref achievementStoreListener);
        Listener.Dispose(ref achievementRetrieveListener);
        Listener.Dispose(ref achievementChangeListener);       

This way we can be sure that the appropriate listeners are only active when it is necessary.

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