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Lobby Browsing


The demo game provides a set of methods responsible for displaying a list of available multiplayer lobbies in the Server Browser menu (found in the Online section of the main menu of the game). This menu also allows the player to join one of the existing lobbies (provided it is not full).

Initialization and Termination

Lobby browsing methods are contained within the Matchmaking script available at Assets/Scripts/GalaxyManager/Features/Matchmaking.cs. They are enabled by OnlineBrowserController (available at Assets/Scripts/UI/MainMenu/OnlineBrowserController.cs), when a player opens OnlineBrowserScreen by entering Online→Server Browser menu. When enabled, LobbyListListenerBrowsing(), LobbyDataRetrieveListenerBrowsing() and LobbyEnteredListenerBrowsing() are initialized.

The controller is disabled when the player closes Server Browser menu. All listeners listed above are disposed of when Matchmaking is closed.

Definitions of Listeners


We use this listener to retrieve data of all available lobbies, so that we can display the actual names of those lobbies.

This listener receives callbacks when a list of all lobbies for the clientID of the game is retrieved with Matchmaking.RequestLobbyList(). After the lobby list is successfully retrieved, the listener provides the total count of available lobbies (excluding private lobbies).


We use this listener to set the user’s default data and to retrieve the lobby and lobby owner’s GalaxyID when a lobby is entered.

This listener receives callbacks when a user succeeds or fails to enter a lobby. Regardless of the result, it provides the GalaxyID of the lobby the user was trying to join, as well as the result itself (if the lobby was joined or not).


This listener receives callbacks when a specific lobby data is retrieved. It provides the GalaxyID of the lobby.

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