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Lobby Chat: Examples of Implementation

Sending and Receiving Lobby Chat Messages

User Experience

We want the players to be able to communicate with each other while in the same lobby — both in the lobby view and during a match.


GOG GALAXY SDK methods for sending and reading lobby messages are gathered in the Matchmaking class. However, the LobbyMessageListenerChat listener is initialized separately in Matchmaking.LobbyEnteredListenerBrowsing.OnLobbyEntered in the event of successfully entering a lobby, or in Matchmaking.LobbyCreatedListener.OnLobbyCreated in the event of successfully creating a lobby (both listeners are defined in the Matchmaking class available at Assets/Scripts/GalaxyManager/Features/Matchmaking.cs).

Lobby messages can be sent from the input box in the lobby view and during an online multiplayer match (pressing the T key displays the input box). All messages are shown for both players in the lobby. Actions of reading and sending message from the chat input field, as well as displaying them, are executed by the ChatController script (available at Assets/Scripts/UI/MultiScene/ChatController.cs) attached to the OnlineChat GameObject in the game.

Methods and Usage

The Matchmaking script is attached to the GalaxyManager GameObject when a player enters the Online section from the game main menu, and the ChatController script is added when a player joins the lobby (by creating it or joining an existing one).


    public void SendLobbyMessage()
        string message = messagePrompt.text;
        if (message.Length != 0)
            GalaxyManager.Instance.Matchmaking.SendLobbyMessage(lobbyID, message);
            messagePrompt.text = null;

This method is called when the player clicks the Send message button in the pre-game lobby, or opens the chat prompt by pressing the T key and hits Enter while in a match. The text from the messagePrompt InputField is assigned to the message variable. If the message is not empty (which can happen, when the user presses Enter when there is no text in the messagePrompt), it is sent by Matchmaking.SendLobbyMessage(lobbyID, message) and the text in the input box is cleared.

A callback then comes to Matchmaking.LobbyMessageListenerChat(), and the OnLobbyMessageReceived() method is called.


        public override void OnLobbyMessageReceived(GalaxyID lobbyID, GalaxyID senderID, uint messageID, uint messageLength)
            Dictionary<string, string> messageAndSenderDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            ChatController chatMenuController = GameObject.Find("OnlineChat").GetComponent<ChatController>();
            Debug.Log("Message from lobby: \'" + lobbyID + "\', sender: \'" + senderID + "\', with value: \'" + message +
                "\' received.");
            message = matchmaking.GetLobbyMessage(matchmaking.CurrentLobbyID, ref senderID, messageID);
            messageAndSenderDict.Add("sender", friends.GetFriendPersonaName(senderID));
            messageAndSenderDict.Add("message", message);
            if (chatMenuController != null) chatMenuController.DisplayChatMessage(messageAndSenderDict);
            if (GameManager.Instance != null) ((Online2PlayerGameManager)GameManager.Instance).PopChatPrompt();

Inside this method, we:

  1. Initialize the messageAndSenderDict dictionary, which contains the received chat message along with the username of the sender.
  2. Call Matchmaking.GetLobbyMessage(GalaxyID lobbyID, ref senderID, messageID) when a new message comes to the chat in the lobby, which makes it possible to read the message content by its ID and assign it to the message string variable.
  3. Add the sender’s username (retrieved with Friends.GetFriendPersonaName(senderID)) and the message content as values to the sender and message keys, respectively, to the messageAndSenderDict variable.
  4. Add the messageAndSenderDict variable (that is, the message with the sender’s username) to chatLobbyMessageHistory (the list of all received messages).
  5. If chatMenuController is not equal to null – that is, it exists in the current Unity scene – we use its DisplayChatMessage method to display the received chat message.
  6. If GameManager.Instance is not equal to null – that is, the player is in a match – we cast it to the Online2PlayerGameManager class, so that we would have access to its PopChatPrompt method. Then, we use this method to open a chat window for a couple of seconds in order to let the player know that a new chat message was received.
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