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Commands and Arguments

General Syntax


GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder.exe <command> <required arguments> <optional arguments>


GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder.exe build-game project.json --output "game_repository"
GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder.exe --help

macOS and Linux

./GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder <command> <required arguments> <optional arguments>


./GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder build-game project.json --output "game_repository"
./GOGGalaxyPipelineBuilder --help

Optional Arguments

Argument Description
-h, --help Displays help: all commands and arguments available for the command preceding it
--version Displays GOG Pipeline Builder version

Arguments Values

While using some of the GOG GALAXY Pipeline Builder commands and arguments, you may be required to input values that can be found on the Developer Portal. Here we explain how and where to find them.

  • Branch name can be found on the Build & Branches screen (click Games in the main menu of the Developer Portal, then click the Builds button for a particular product and click Branches tab). Please refer to the image below:

    Branch Name

  • Branch password can be found on the same Branches tab as above. Please refer to the image below:

    Branch Password

  • Build ID can be found on the Builds tab of the same Build & branches screen. Please refer to the image below:

    Build ID

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